I am an aficionado of Natural Language Processing (NLP), with strong focus on Information Extraction, Media Analysis, Finite-state Technology,
and the development of efficient Text Mining and Analysis tools that REALLY WORK !
Specific Interests
Information extraction: named-entity recognition and normalisation, name linking, event detection and extraction, relation extraction, open-domain information extraction, multilingual domain-adaptive information extraction
Media Analysis: online news surveillance and analysis, social media mining, news classification, trend detection, disinformation and propaganda detection, persuasion techniques, framing, narrative extraction
Finite-state technology: finite-state automata and transducers, finite-state based grammar formalisms, compression techniques, pattern matching, time and space complexity
Natural Language Engineering: general-purpose text processing architectures, shallow grammar formalisms, large-scale NLP, massive text processing
Language Resources: corpora creation, lexical resources acquisition, quality and coherence evaluation, annotation complexity estimation}
Machine Learning: supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised, shallow versus deep learning, text classification and clustering, feature engineering, data normalisation, data augmentation, large language models
jpiskorski >ad< gmail >dot< com [Google Scholar]